
actor & singer in Nyc



Grown up Annie, at your service. I'm a Jewish, Turkish gal from Seattle with "just the right spunk and sass," (no really, that was written about me in this review!). I moved to New York with three bucks, two bags, one me at 18 to attend NYU and follow the dream, which was over 10 years ago, so I think it's safe to say NYC has stuck. I've been acting, singing and dancing my whole life in everything from Shakespeare to Greek tragedies to tap dancing musicals. Nice to meet ya! 

01 // about



little women national tour  |  feb 3rd - may 19 2024

So many feelings of gratitude and pride to have been a part of this project. To make my [non children’s theatre] national tour debut telling the story that my mom loves and shared with me as a very young child is so special. I will miss playing Aunt March/ Mrs. Kirk and understudying Marmee all around the country dearly. You can check out my performance of "Could You" here! 

03// upcoming

I am thrilled to be playing a dream role this summer in The Sound of Music at the Dutch Apple. I have loved Baroness Elsa Schraeder since seeing the movie as a little girl. Eleanor Parker was and is the definition of elegance and poise, and I am grateful for this challenge. This will be my second time with the Dutch Apple! Catch me being unapologetically wealthy, flirty and sharp all summer long.

the sound of music  |  june 28th - august 10th 2024

